Yunyoo-Nasuan District is one of the 28 districts in the Northern Region. It was established by Legislative Instrument (L.I) 2349 in 2017 as part of government’s efforts to further decentralize governance. Yunyoo is the administrative capital of the District. Other major towns in the District are Nasuan, Gbankpurugu, Namongo, Temaa, Mozio and Jimbale.
The District is located to the North- Eastern corner of Northern Region. The District occupies an area of 754.26 square kilometres with a population density (crude) of approximately 39 persons per square kilometres. It shares boundaries with Bunkpurugu-Nakpanduri District to the North, Republic of Togo to the East, East Mamprusi to the west and Gushegu and Chereponi Districts to the South.

The District is divided into three Area Councils. The Area Councils are Yunyoo, Nasuan and Gbankupurugu. The Assembly has a total number of 17, comprising of 13 elected members 4 appointees, one Member of Parliament and the District Chief Executive.
The Yunyoo/Nasuan District Assembly exists to improve the general wellbeing of the people through effective and efficient provision of security, social and economic amenities in collaboration with development partners and the private sector.
To make the District the economic hub of the eastern corridor by creating the enabling environment for business and investment through the provision of sound infrastructural base, equitable human resources and agricultural development in a peaceful and democratic environment.
The district lays tropical continental belt western margin and experiences a single rainfall regime in April to October after which it comes under the influence of the tropical air masses. The mean annual rainfall is between 100mm to 115mm. the annual range of temperature is between 30 Celsius to 40 Celsius.
Total Number of Staff
Elected Staff
Government Appointees

Mr. firstName lastName
District Chief Executive
Mr. Secondfirstname Last Name
Coordinating Director
Mrs. firstName lastName
Administrative ManagerAbout Us
The District is located to the North- Eastern corner of Northern Region. The District occupies an area of 754.26 square kilometres with a population density (crude) of approximately 39 persons per square kilometres.